Higher Vital

Main attributes:

Emotional Love, Affection, Empathy, Sensitivity, Vulnerability, Care, Bonding, Sentimentality, Attachment and Sorrow.


It stresses emotion rather than sensation and desire, but it is not free from demand and the desire of possession. The demand of emotional being is for love and the joy of relation with our fellow-beings. Its seat is the heart region, the frontal region; the psychic being is experienced as seated deep behind it. Due to its proximity of location in the same region often the higher vital consciousness is mistaken for that of the psychic being or the soul.

Emotions are the waves of reaction and response which rise up from the basic consciousness and their action too is largely regulated by habit and an emotive memory. They are not imperative, not laws of necessity. The waves upon the waters of emotions are to be guided and illumined by the reason on the basis of equanimity.


  1. Family groupings are the home terrains of the higher vital; here bonds are deep and long lasting. Here the values of the higher vital overrides everything else.
  2. Emotional ups and downs in people and groups are largely the contribution of higher vital.
  3. Sensitivity of emotions makes one vulnerable and an over sensitive higher nature makes individuals shut up their emotional expressions into protective cocoons.
  4. What is emerging in the corporate world as Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Resource Development programs are, when they are not merely marketing campaigns, the beginning of higher vital development in contexts that are otherwise dominated by the central vital and mental consciousness. Organisations with a heart are not a very common occurrence, especially when they are large.
  5. Charity activities, when they are not stained by lesser motives, are largely animated by the higher vital consciousness.

When the higher vital is not developed, individuals and groups tend to be emotionally insensitive and incapable of enjoying the finer joys and deeper bonds the emotions bring. Emotional development and maturity is a complex and delicate psychological process and this cannot be done by any mechanical means. It is a doorway to love and love opens the doors only when it is honoured and received or given whole-heartedly. Unconditional service and self-giving are some means by which higher vital enlarge and embrace a wider existence and its greater delight of being.

  • It stresses emotion rather than sensation and desire, but it is not free from demand and the desire of possession. It is often mistaken for the soul.
  • The demand of emotional being is for love and the joy of relation with our fellow-beings.
  • It is a field of joy and grief, love and longing, likes, dislikes, indifferences, content, discontent, hopes, disappointments, gratitude, hope, pity, and sorrow.
  • Emotions are the waves of reaction and response which rise up from the basic consciousness. Their action too is largely regulated by habit and an emotive memory. They are not imperative, not laws of necessity.