Thinking Mind

Main attributes

Self-reflection, Thought, Idea, Reason, Analysis, Synthesis, Values, Principles, Laws, Theories, Science, Philosophy and Vision.

It is in the pure mind that pure reason liberates itself from its bondage to the external sensory world and turns back upon itself and uses its power of dealing with abstractions and things in themselves -- ideas, concepts, the essential nature of things. It lives in the world of ideas. It is philosophic and metaphysical in its nature.

To live in mind and the things of the mind, to be an intelligence rather than a life and a body, is our highest position, short of spirituality, in the degrees of Nature. Its seat is in the forehead region.


  1. Philosophies governing world views and moulding human actions are the most common occurrence of the pure mind.
  2. Theoretical physics and higher mathematics rightly fall in this domain of consciousness.

Pure mind is currently the highest faculty of consciousness available to humanity today. However this is a faculty that is still undergoing evolution and is yet to establish itself as the governing principle in collective life of humanity which is still under the control of the vital forces in human nature. Only a small percentage of humanity is capable of living mainly in the light of reason. Harnessing the power of thought and mastery over its operations on a larger collective scale is now happening rapidly with the explosion of information technologies.

  • To live in mind and the things of the mind, to be an intelligence rather than a life and a body, is our highest position, short of spirituality, in the degrees of Nature.
  • Pure reason deals with things in themselves, ideas, concepts, the essential nature of things. It lives in the world of ideas. It is philosophic and metaphysical in its nature.
  • It is not bound by the senses and its data.
  • When the pure mind surrenders to the influence of the psychic or central being, then the constant philosophical questioning can become silent and the pure mind can learn to receive and record higher knowledge as it is, instead of just attempting to conceptualize or putting together ideas. It can then learn to receive insights and intuitions more and more.